There's alot to consider when starting a site from scratch, or Scrapping the old one that’s been around for a decade.  Following are a few tips from some of the experts:

• Ask visitors to provide an email - the chances of someone visiting a site more than once are less than 5 percent, according to some estimates.
• Put contact information on every page so visitors don't have to search around.
•Add financial calculators, client portals or file exchange services, newsletters and anything else that will give existing clients more reasons to stick with your firm.
• Incorporate staff and local photos so the site doesn't seem foreign.
• Look for sites you like and use them as an example, even if they aren’t from firms.
• Ask for client testimonials. Include their name, title and company and spread them through-out the site, not just on a Testimonials page. It's OK to write one for the client and have him or her approve it.
• Use career sections to highlight why employees would want to work there.
•Consider adding video.

• Pick a complicated or lengthy domain name that people may forget or misspell.
• Use accounting jargon. Choose simple worlds to convey your message.  Explain how your firm solves problems. Personalize it.
• Write a blog, unless you're willing to blog at least weekly.
• Flash. Not only do dancing letters distract from the message and annoy prospects, search engines don't like them.
•Accept everyone.  Instead explain the kinds of clients you want, and weed out those you don’t.

Design Do's and Don’ts

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